Importance of Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting, currently a popular buzzword, has become an effective and revolutionary method. Everyone is moving to the cloud. What does it mean to move to the cloud? How does cloud hosting work and is it better than traditional hosting? We will be addressing these questions and help you make an informed decision.

What is the cloud hosting?
Cloud hosting encompasses the storage of your data across various servers. This means that if one server goes down, no information or capacity is lost.
This makes it accessible from anywhere, providing that you have a device and an internet connection. Your cloud hosting services are often taken care of by vendors. Vendors store your data in multiple data centers around the world.

Advantages of cloud hosting over traditional hosting

1. Backup and Disaster Recovery

A benefit of cloud hosting is that the multi-server setup allows for automatic backups of your data. Even if an individual server goes down, there will not be any loss of information. Data recovery is an easy process for cloud servers. 
In the single-server setup of traditional hosting, disaster recovery is not feasible as there is only one server that hosts your data and applications. For disaster recovery, you need to make special arrangements for backup.

2.Cost- Efficiency

With cloud hosting, you do not have to worry about capital expenditure on infrastructure – providers handle that for you. Additionally, you only need to pay for the services and resources that you are actually using. In a traditional hosting model, however, you need to invest in infrastructure and also pay a fixed amount for services and resources regardless of whether you use them.
Vendors can also offer various cloud hosting packages suitable for the needs of different organizations. Since some cloud services can be shared amongst different businesses, this offers a lower cost option for organizations. Cloud hosting is a cost-effective hosting solution. This is especially beneficial for smaller organizations who can’t afford to purchase and maintain hardware on site by themselves. Your organization can also save on IT costs.

3. Increased Server Uptime and Availability

Your website’s performance is directly correlated to the server uptime. The system of interconnected servers ensures there is no single point of failure. If any server goes down or cannot take your request, another server from the cluster takes over by default keeping everything running smoothly. Plus, with your ability to scale server resources on demand your site won’t go offline from an unexpected traffic surge. If you’re using any kind of traditional hosting your site’s uptime depends upon the physical server environment. If it goes offline, then so does your site.

4. Increased Group Collaboration

Through cloud hosting, employees can access and work on the same documents or applications from any location around the world. This increases flexibility in work practices and productivity.
This feature is not feasible in traditional hosting.

5. Flexible Pricing Structure

In most other styles of hosting, you pay a monthly rate regardless of whether to not you utilize all of the server resources. With cloud hosting, you only pay for what you use.
So, if you’re expecting a post to go viral, or your site is receiving an unusually large amount of traffic, you don’t have to completely upgrade your package. All you have to do is scale your resources up during the traffic surge and down once traffic levels return to normal. Instead of having to pay for high hosting fee across the board your pricing matches the total amount of server resources you’re using.

6. Safety From Server Hardware Issues

With cloud hosting your site is isolated from any physical server issues including hacking, hardware failure, or system overload. When a physical server is compromised or experiencing an issue, you can simply utilize the physical resources of another server – all without having any downtime. Cloud service providers also provide secure and encrypted solutions, backup recovery, firewalls, identity management and data isolation and storage segregation.
In the traditional hosting model, resources and CPU capacity on a single server are shared among multiple websites. Additionally, you need a private dedicated server to secure sensitive information which is costly.

7. Independence of Location

Traditional hosting servers are tied to a fixed location. For this reason, you need to choose a server that is fairly close to you so as not to compromise your websites loading speed.
Cloud hosting servers, on the other hand, are available and accessible via the internet and with any PC or mobile device, from any location around the world.

8.Faster Website Speed and Performance

Most cloud servers can offer you blazing fast speeds. In addition to being able to effortlessly increase your site’s capacity, cloud hosting also allows for easier load balancing between multiple server environments, which can help to put much less strain on a single server’s resources.
Of course, the server hardware foundation will also influence the speed of your site, so look for a cloud host that has multiple caching layers, premium server hardware, and low-density servers.

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